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Thursday, January 13, 2011

What's to be happy about?

Ihave really thought long and hard about this writing. As of today, my second grandson is in the hospital going to have a biopsy on his lung. This involves cutting him open tomorrow to get a 1" x 3" piece of his lung. Please keep this young child and his family in your prayers.

And so....

I'm happy that I have no taste in my mouth,
I'm happy that my tongue sticks to the top of my mouth each night,
I'm happy that I have tingling feet and low circulation in my feet (cold all the time),
I'm happy that I have numbness in my finger tips,
I'm happy that my shoulders always hurt,
I'm happy that I don't care for sweets (but not really! LOL),
I'm happy that I have a salt taste in my mouth,
Im happy that I have a constant ringing in my ears,
I'm happy that my hair stands straight up on one side of my head

And to this you ask, What in the world could he be happy for?

I'm happy because I would not be here today if I did not have these effects from radiation and chemo. Thanks to the wonderful doctors, nurses, supporters, and God, I am here today to relate to Walker and his troubles. I'm here to listen and counsel others on their troubles. In fact so much, my troubles seem minor!

I'm happy that I have a God that always stands beside me, and he carries me (even when I don't want to be carried!).

As I told one of my Boy Scouts, people need people. We cannot do anything alone. It always takes a group. It always takes time from those we love to care for others. But what would life be without each other!

Take time to slow down and smell the roses..............